Mozilla Acquires Pocket… The lovely bookmarking app

MoCo, The company who owns Mozilla Foundation and the famous Firefox browser has recently acquired one of the best bookmarking apps on the Internet, the lovely read-later app called Pocket!

The app started on Mozilla Firefox browser in 2007,and  now available all across the platforms to offer the best and easiest solution for users to save articles, pages and images to be read and seen offline without internet connection, so se were not surprised at all when we heard about this deal!

Mozilla CEO agrees with the importance for apps like that in the digital world:

“We believe that the discovery and accessibility of high quality web content is key to keeping the internet healthy by fighting against the rising tide of centralization and walled gardens. Pocket provides people with the tools they need to engage with and share content on their own terms, independent of hardware platform or content silo, for a safer, more empowered and independent online experience.”

So, do you expect the app to be better after that acquisition, or everything will remain the same?

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