Chord Introduces 2go Streamer and 2yu Digital Interface

Chord has become well known for their somewhat quirky, but truly excellent-performing audio products. One of their most popular devices out there is the Mojo, which is essentially a more portable-friendly version of the Hugo. Quite a few months ago they unveiled the Poly, which is an accessory that was to be attached directly to the Mojo which then gave it a number of new features such as Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity, as well as the ability to read directly from a memory card. Essentially, this turned the Mojo into somewhat of a ‘headless-DAP’, meaning a fully-functional portable audio player without its own display. Now, Chord have released the 2go, which is essentially a larger and more feature-rich version of the Poly but is exclusively designed for use with the Hugo.
Alongside the 2go is the 2yu which is yet another accessory, but intended to be one for use with the 2go.

2go Or Not To Go

As mentioned, the 2go is basically the Poly on steroids. Where the Poly offered Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity alongside a microSD slot, the 2go goes 2 steps further by adding an additional microSD slot as well as a Gigabit Ethernet port. The Hugo was already a very capable device for using both as a desktop solution and in a portable scenario, but the 2go takes its functionality to a completely new level.

Much like the Poly, the 2go certainly is not an affordable affair. At roughly $1300 that would bring the total cost including a Hugo 2 to roughly $3800. Ouch!

To Me, 2yu, To Me…

The 2yu is an intruiging product because it’s an accessory for an accessory. That is, it’s entirely intended to be used in conjunction with the 2go and only with the 2go. Since the ports on the 2go mean that it’s a product that could only be used with the Hugo, Chord had to figure a way to give the functionality of the 2go to some of its other devices without having to go to the length of creating yet another product-specific accessory. Enter the 2yu.
By connecting the 2yu to the 2go, the combination of the two devices could then be connected to Chord’s M Scaler and other range of DAC devices. The 2go would handle the wireless connectivity side of the affair, whereas the 2yu then passes that digital data along to the next device.
The 2yu has a considerably more reasonable price-tag at about $600, but that’s still a pretty penny nonetheless.

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